Since Okt 2020, project OpenHitch (https://bit.ly/3u8GseI)
Development of a navigation based carpooling app and associated server infrastructure
(Kotlin, Android, Intellij/Android Studio, Graphhopper, Dropwizard, MQTT, ReactiveX)
May 2015-Sep 2020, Projektron GmbH (http://www.projektron.de), Berlin
- Collaboration on the project management system Projektron BCS (Java, Eclipse, HTML, CSS, Javascript, Scrum, Jenkins)
June-Okt. 2014, Giesecke & Devrient (http://www.gi-de.com)
- Development of crypto algorithms on smart cards
- Design and implementation of counter measures against hardware attacks
(Assembler, C, Cryptograpy)
Feb. 2008-Feb. 2013: z-optimations GmbH (http://www.z-opti.com), Füssen
- Design and implementation of mathematical Algorithms for optimization of industrial machine movements. (Delphi, Siemens 840D CNC)
June 2003-Apr.2006: Projektron GmbH (http://www.projektron.de), Berlin
- Design and Developement of an interface between Projektron BCS and Exchange Server 2003
- Data migration
- Concept and technical design of a risk management module
- Design and Development of the Assignment Market Module
(Java, Eclipse, XML, JDBC, JUnit, Eclipse, Subversion, Tomcat, Ant, Perl)
Nov. 2002-Jan. 2003: e-motion-systems, Füssen
- Design and Development of a module that calculates the kinematic and dynamic quantities of mechanical systems. (Delphi)
- Design and Development of a modular system for the simulation and graphic representation of industrial machines. (Delphi)
Aug. 1999-Juli 2001: Giesecke & Devrient (http://www.gdm.de), München
- Development of cryptographic algorithms and their environment on smart cards. Design and Implementiation of measures to counter hardware attacks. Maintainance and update of the algorithms. (Assembler, Cryptography)
- Implementation of a code generator for elliptic curve systems on smart cards. (Python, Assembler, Cryptography)
Jan.-June 1999: Isinet s.r.l (http://www.isinet.it), Rom.
- Web-programming (ASP,Perl,Java).
- Stored Procedures and database access routines (MS-SQL, Visual Basic).
Nov.-Dez. 1998: Telesoft s.p.a, Santa Palomba, Italien
- Collaboration on a distributed administration system for mobile phone contracts Telecom Italia Mobile (Java, Perl, C).
Feb.-Dez. 1997: ACTIV-CONSULT, Online Service Center, Berlin.
- Dynamic parts of different web sites (Javascript, Perl)
- Real estate marketing system (Java, JDBC, MS-SQL)
May 1994-Jan. 1995: Computational Linguistics Research Group of the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg.
- Animated syntax graphs for a parser for natural language (Smalltalk)
- GUI for the terminological knowledge representation system LOOM (Common-Lisp).
May-Okt. 1989 and different part time jobs between 1989 und 1994: Fraunhofer Institut für solare Energiesysteme (http://www.ise.fhg.de/), Freiburg.
- Database access routines (INGRES, SQL, QUEL, EQUEL/C)
- Plot programs (FORTRAN77, DISSPLA)
- Optical and thermal simulations and optimizations (C/FORTRAN77)
- Laboratory automation (C++, Xlib, Lötkolben)
- Controll program for a videodisc recorder (X, Motif, Uimx)
- GUI for the 3D-visualisation program Rshow (C, Motif)
- Reformatting and analysis of measured data (Shell, Awk, Yacc)